Healthy Breakfast For Athletes

All athletes know that food is just as important as training.

Food is what gives the human body fuel. Athletes need fuel to play their particular sport. When it comes to fueling up, there are certain meals that athletes should pay particular attention to, such as breakfast. Breakfast for athletes is such an important meal. It is what they start their day with, the fuel that allows them to practice, or the fuel that allows them to crush the game they have that day. Giving the body proper amounts of macro nutrients and micro nutrients will make all the difference in their athletic abilities.

If you are an athlete or if you are looking to become an athlete, follow this guide on creating a healthy breakfast for athletes!


You have definitely heard this before. Whether it was your mom telling you in the morning, your homeroom teachers telling you, or your coach or trainer telling you, you’ve heard it! And they were right! Breakfast is a very important meal for all people, but especially athletes. Breakfast begins the day.

Without a good, healthy breakfast your body is already missing out on vital energy and vitamins to have a great day. It gets your metabolism revving, feeds your muscles and our brains energy, and gets your blood pumping. Those three things sound like something every athlete desires, especially on game day. Creating a healthy, balanced breakfast is very important. Eating a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel is not the way to go when we are talking about breakfast. Your breakfast should consist of certain foods.


Healthy Breakfast For Athletes

  • Protein – Protein is a very important macronutrient that everybody needs. Consuming protein first thing in the morning is great for repairing cells and waking up your muscle tissues after a long night’s rest. Protein is the building blocks of cells. Your muscle tissue is made up of cells. By eating protein in the morning, you are preparing those muscles for whatever you have on the agenda for the day.Protein will also help to keep you feel fuller, longer. This is good if you have a long practice. Feeling hungry mid practice can cause you to feel tired and can take your mind off practice. Eating a protein rich meal will avoid these feelings of hunger. Whether it’s a long practice or a big game, adding protein to your breakfast will make all the difference in how you perform. A few popular breakfast protein sources include protein shakes, eggs, nuts or seeds, and even chicken or steak.
  • Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. Without carbs, you would feel very tired and lazy. As as an athlete, that is the LAST thing you want to feel. Fueling up on fiber rich carbs in the morning will definitely give you that energy boost you need to get through the day. Carbohydrates that are rich in fiber will also, like protein, keep your stomach feeling full. When it comes to choosing carbohydrates, you want to chose the ones that are nutrient dense such as whole grains. Popular carbohydrate sources to add to your breakfast for athletes are potatoes, ezekial bread, whole wheat bread, or whole grain cereals.
  • Fat – Fat is another great source of energy for our bodies. It also fights fat! Fat fighting fat may sound something like an oxymoron but it’s true. As athletes, you want to build lean body muscle while keeping a minimal amount of body fat. While some body fat is necessary, having excess can impair your physical abilities. Consuming a breakfast high in fat in the morning will keep your body in fat burning mode. Great sources of fat for breakfast include nuts, avocados, turkey bacon, and some dairy products.
  • Fruits and Vegetables – These should be a staple in every person’s diet! Adding fruits and vegetables to your morning meal will give your body a boost of vitamins and minerals that are essential for everyday living. Each fruit and vegetable provides different vitamins and minerals so it’s important to eat a variety of them. Pick your favorites and eat them each morning! Not a fan of fruits and veggies? Sneak them into your meals. Add fruit to your protein shake or veggies to your eggs. They are essential so it is important to find a way to like them!
  • Water – Always, always, always start your morning with a tall glass of water. After not drinking for 8 hours while you were sleeping, your body is thirsty! Drinking water should be the first thing you do in the morning. This will replenish all of your organs and get your body ready to start the day.