While exercising is great and is a must for reaching your goals, your diet also has a big impact on how your body will look come summer. Keeping your kitchen full of healthy, nutritious foods is important for reaching any kind of fitness goal you have.

There are so many quick fixes when it comes to weight loss that a lot of people try. While these diet pills and drinks may work temporarily, they will not give you long term results. Also, they won’t do much for your fitness. You must fill up on healthy and nutrient rich foods and exercise to get really fit! There are a ton of foods to keep you fit, but the most nutritious foods are found by doing some research. But fear not, this article will show you a list of the most nutritious foods, and all you have to do is go to your local grocery store. These are generally inexpensive, super easy to find, and very versatile. Search the internet for all kinds of clean recipes containing these foods to keep fit!


Eggs – The number one staple in any kind of healthy, fitness diet is eggs. They are full of protein, helping you feel fuller longer. They are definitely the number one choice for breakfast but feel free to eat them for lunch or even dinner! The protein in eggs may also help prevent that spike in your blood sugar which could lead to cravings. So to keep yourself feeling full, satisfied, and healthy add eggs to your diet! A lot of people tend to stick to the egg whites and that is fine, but you do not have too. Studies show that having one full egg a day for healthy adults is perfectly safe for your cholesterol levels. Scramble them up, hard boil some, or just simply fry it up with a little bit of olive oil spray to get the nutrients!

Green Tea – Swap your second cup of coffee for this extremely healthy drink. Green tea is another big staple in a lot of diets. Green tea is full of antioxidants called catechins. These are the secret ingredient to keeping you fit. Catechins have been shown to speed up your metabolism and assist in fat burning. Green tea has also shown to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels! Sip it hot or cold to get the benefits!

Beans - A favorite in the vegetarian diet, beans are a great protein source. A lot of vegetarians lack protein in their diet but by filling up on beans, you shouldn’t have to worry about not getting an adequate amount of protein. Beans are great for everyone, not just vegetarians! Beans also contain a digestive hormone called cholecystokinin. This hormone acts as a natural appetite suppressant. The fiber content of beans is also high, really adding to the fullness factor!

Pears - People tend to choose apples over pears but they really should be choosing the pear over the apple. When it comes to these kinds of fruits, they may seem like they are all the same but they do have their differences. Pears actually contain more fiber than apples do. A medium sized pear contains about 6 grams of fiber while a medium sized apple contains about 3 grams. Pectin is the kind of fiber that you find in pears and apples which can has shown to decrease your blood sugar levels. By decreasing your blood sugar levels, you won’t feel as hungry in between meals.

Lean Beef – Contrary to what people think, lean beef is on the list of the most nutritious foods to get you fit. If you’re trying to shed pounds, the amino acid leucine, which is found in lean beef, can help! It can help you lose weight while keeping up your muscle tissue. Some people tend to lose muscle mass when dieting, but this amino acid will prevent muscle breakdown, keeping you fit and toned.

Olive Oil – Such a wonderful oil for keeping you healthy and fit. Extra virgin olive oil has done wonders for weight loss. Olive oil is what is known as a “healthy” fat. A lot of people think fats are bad, typically because they are high in calories but there are good kinds of fats that you need! Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, one of the kinds of healthy fats. It can help keep your belly fat down, your skin nice and supple, and your heart super healthy.

Cinnamon - Feel sluggish? Need a quick boost? Cinnamon has shown to cure those slumps you feel throughout the need. Its main purpose in weight loss and fitness is boosting your metabolism. If you’re looking to get an extra calorie burn, add some cinnamon to your oatmeal or your coffee. Some of the other added benefits of this spice is that it has been shown to reduced blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Vinegar - If you have ever researched any kind of natural foods detox, vinegar was probably one of the main foods to eat. Vinegar has been shown to detoxify the entire body. As for weight loss, the acetic acid in vinegar has been shown to keep people feeling full. This is because it slows down the whole digestive system. From the time your food touches your tongue, digestion has begun. This acid helps to slow things down a bit, keeping the food in your system longer, keeping you full.

Nuts - Though high in fat and calories, nuts are a great food to be eating for getting fit. Even though they are high in fat, the fat in nuts is good, healthy fat. Consuming nuts in moderation can help keep you fit. As long as you don’t eat too much, your weight will drop and you will become the fittest possible you!

Hot Red Pepper – Body builders know this, add hot sauce to anything to add flavor, boost your metabolism, and keep your caloric intake low. Hot red pepper does wonders for your weight loss. It’s been shown to really give your metabolism a boost, helping your body burn more calories. It also tastes great (if you like spicy food) without packing on any unwanted ingredients!