Most Americans only enjoy breakfast on the weekends. These breakfasts tend to be indulgent…not the way you should be eating breakfast. Too many don’t have the time for breakfast so they wind up with coffee and a donut on the way out the door. This can do some serious damage to your health and your waist line. There are a ton of healthy breakfast foods to lose weight that you should start eating. Breakfast should become your number one priority in your new weight loss journey.

Top List of Healthy Breakfast Foods to Lose Weight

Why is eating breakfast so important?

You’re probably wondering why it is so important to eat breakfast. After sleeping for 7 plus hours in the night, our bodies are starving! Your body needs food to give it energy. Our brain, muscles, nerves, and cells will not work as efficiently if they are not fed. Have you ever heard of the saying, “food is fuel?” Well it is! If your car was running on empty, you wouldn’t wait hours and hours to get gas…you would go to the gas station right away and fill it up! It’s the same with your body. Your body is on E when you first wake up in the morning. Feeding it a nutritious breakfast will wake you up and give you the energy you need to get through the day. Your metabolism will also thank you. The faster you get your metabolism moving, the more calories you are going to burn. This is a big reason why you should be eating to lose weight.


  • Eat early! You should be eating breakfast somewhere between 30 minutes to one hour upon waking. The faster you give your body that food, the quicker you will feel energized and awake. If you’re not hungry in the morning, start with something small and then have a bigger breakfast a few minutes later. Your body may not get used to eating this early but it is good to train it.
  • Eat a balanced breakfast. Consuming a balanced breakfast that consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats will keep you feeling full and satisfied until it’s time for your next meal.
  • Sit down! Too many people eat on the go. It may be hard to find time to sit down and eat breakfast but it will make all the difference. Try to take at least half an hour each morning to sit down and enjoy your breakfast. Eat slow, take small bites, and really enjoy your food.


Research has shown that people that eat breakfast on a regular basis tend to be leaner and healthier. Here is a list of healthy breakfast foods that you can start enjoying before school or work to really help you on your weight loss journey.


Oatmeal is number one on the list of healthy breakfast foods to lose weight. Oatmeal will help you lose weight in two distinct ways: it is loaded with fiber and it’s a complex carb. Fiber does wonders for keeping you feeling full. Have you ever ate something and then an hour later felt hungry again? The food you ate probably didn’t contain enough fiber. Oatmeal is loaded with healthy fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied until your next meal. The complexity of the carbohydrates in oatmeal also help keep you feeling full.

Complex carbs are also known as slow releasing carbs. The sugar doesn’t get into your blood stream all at once. Instead, it takes its time, keeping you feel satisfied and energized for a longer period of time. Another added benefit of complex carbs, such as oatmeal, is that it doesn’t cause a spike in your insulin levels. Your insulin levels play a major role in fat storage. When your insulin levels spike, your body automatically wants to store fat. Keeping your sugar levels at bay will keep your fat stores on an even keel as well.


An all time favorite breakfast food. Start adding eggs to your breakfast menu. Here are a couple reasons why!
  • They keep you feeling full! Just like the oatmeal was loaded with fiber for that fullness feeling, eggs are loaded with protein which also keep you feeling full. The protein and fat in eggs will help keep your energy levels up.
  • Great source of protein. Protein is important to consume at every meal. Protein is found in other foods such as meats like chicken, steak, and fish. Not many people want to wake up and have chicken for breakfast so eggs are a great alternative.
  • They are inexpensive. A dozen eggs can last you throughout the week for breakfast. You don’t need to buy any fancy, expensive foods for breakfast. Just purchase some eggs and you’re good to go!
  • They are versatile. You can do a ton of things with eggs…fry them up, bake them, hardboiled them, throw away the yolk, etc. There are so many different options when it comes to eating eggs so you’ll never get bored!


High on the list of healthy breakfast foods is yogurt. Yogurt is loaded with healthy protein. The protein in yogurt can help keep your waistline down. Yogurt is also loaded with bone building calcium! The number one problem when it comes to eating yogurt for breakfast is the type of yogurt you’re eating. There are so many flavorful yogurts out there that are loaded with sugars. You want to avoid those! Get the benefits of the yogurt and keep your sugar content down by choosing plain yogurt. If you find it boring, add some berries or granola to give it some flavor!

Whole grain cereals

Not all breakfast cereals are bad. There are a few good ones out there. Find a whole grain cereal with a lower sugar content! Also, use skim milk when eating your cereal! This will give you a satisfying, hearty breakfast!